
Thank you Wayne and Vivienne for an exceptional day. I have written down all the elements of the practical sessions hoping that we will remember them for our boating adventures. Wayne, you are an excellent teacher and have given us knowledge and confidence to start our boating journey!! Regards marie-louise and paul

Marie-Louise and Paul -

Hello Wayne

Thank you for a wonderful day. The kids and I loved the day. Great thing to do together and your instruction made it not daunting at all. Really appreciate the skipper’s ticket experience you offer.

Kind Regards,

Tash Omodei

Tash Omodei -

Hi Wayne,

Just a quick note to say many thanks for a really enjoyable and productive day yesterday. We all had a great time and learned a lot. You are a great teacher and made it easy for us to all pass! Much appreciated, stay safe

with love Lucy and family

Lucy Webb-Martin Nov 2020 -

Wayne is an excellent teacher, he made our day enjoyable and informative. We all felt we learnt a lot, even those that had been on the water for years. I highly recommend investing in Sea Soaring Marine!

Mandy Bubb - February 2016

Great day in the classroom and on the water. Wayne is a terrific teacher and assessor and made the whole process enjoyable, entertaining and enciteful. Thanks mate

Andrew Gurr October 2020 -

One of the best training I have had. Goes that extra step to help you pass. More than just a skippers ticket


Just did a refresher course with Wayne and really had a great time. He brought back so many things I had forgotten and taught me a lot of new boating skills. This guy really knows his stuff, so is you haven’t got a skippers ticket or need to know about boats, contact him, you’ll be glad you did.

Carl Stevens - May 2015

Thanks Wayne,

Tariq ( my son ) had a great day, can’t wipe the smile from his face, he’s pretty proud of himself. We both really enjoyed the day out.

Regards, Dion Monola – Managing Director – Cable Beach Glass & Aluminium

Dion Monola - May 2015

Hi Wayne
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the great experience yesterday. I have to say I learnt so much more about boating and the ocean than I had imagined. Needless to say I will be recommending your services to friends. Hope to see on the water (in a non emergency way!)
Kind regards,

Andy Bee - February 2014

Dear Wayne,
Paul enjoyed the course immensely. He said you were a great teacher and it takes quite a lot to impress Paulley! He loved it so much, he was at the boat ramp when I left this afternoon watching the boats come in! Thank you very much and yes our stay and the weather was fantastic- whatever the season we enjoyed it so much.
Thanks again,

Megan Mason - August 2010

Getting a skippers ticket with Wayne is great value for money. Could not be a better experience. So much more than ticks in the box for a license.

I can launch and drive a boat yet learned so many new things. He generously shares his 30+ years experience with many best practices for boat ownership and maintenance as well as tips for getting the boat in and out of the water.

You won’t be disappointed!

Robin Moustaka- Jan 2019

Robin Moustaka- Jan 2019 -

Wayne is an exceptional educator, and conducts a fantastic training course to achieve the Skippers ticket. Highly recommend if you are starting out with no experience. Thanks Wayne


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